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Lot 2. SOLD

 2 Dow Square

 3 bedroom T1 Style house. RV $203,000

 Land and House indicative price:$485,000

 Lot 2 Land. 333m2 and share of centre.



Lot 1. Harakeke

4 Dow Square

2 Bedroom T2 Type house

Land Only: $199,000. RV $203,000

Land and house Indicative price: $435,000

Lot 1 Land. 340m2 and shared centre

Land and House Packages. 

 Estimated prices October 2015.  House designs are shown here

Lot 3. SOLD

20 Dow Square

4 Bedroom house.

Lot 5.Tarata

16 Dow Square

3 Bedroom T3 style house. 

Land Only: $205,000 RV $208,000

Land and House Indicative price: $485,000

Lot 5 land: 360m2 and share of centre

Lot 7. Totara

12 Dow Square

4 Bedroom house. 
Land Only: $205,000. RV $208,000
Land and House Indicative price: $595,000
Lot 7 Land: 360 m2 and share of centre

Lot 9. Kowhai

8 Dow Square

2 Bedroom T1 Style house. 

Land Only: $195,000. RV 198,000

Land and House Indicative price: $425,000

Lot 9 Land: 288m2 and share of centre

Lot 4. Kanuka

18 Dow Square

3Bedroom T1 style house. 

Land Only: $205,000 RV $208,000

Land and House Indicative price: $450,000

Lot 4 land: 375 m2 + share of centre

Lot 6. Harakeke

16 Dow Square

2 Bedroom T2 style house. 
Land Only: $199,500. RV $203,000
Land and House Indicative price: $435,000
Lot 6 land : 322m2 and share of centre
Lot 8. Matipo

10 Dow Square

3 Bedroom T1 style house. 
Land Only: $209,000. RV $213,000
Land and House Indicative price: $490,000
Lot 8 Land: 437m2 and share of centre

Lot 10. SOLD

2 Bedroom T1 style house. 
Land Only: $195,000. RV $203,000
Land and House Indicative price: $445,000
Lot  10 Land: 340 m2 and share of centre
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